Finally! No more pharm prac for at least another year... The paper, in my opinion, at least a bit better than pharmaco, just that 50 mcq questions for 70% weightage is too scary... hope that my recommendation is not wrong....
Next up, we have microbiology in less than 48 hours. Shall seriously mug like there's no tomorrow. I really need WISDOM!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pharmacy Practice!
Less than 24 hours to Pharmacy Practice II paper, and I've totally lost the motivation to study the super thick notes. Guess what was I doing?
Morning and afternoon was the usual mugging and mugging and mugging. Thought I'm able to finish reading by dinner, but I was wrong. Wanted to finish up the rest in the evening, but well... got tempted again by my laptop.... So.... I was creating this uber cool custom theme for my PSP.
Playing with photoshop and the custom theme programme, I made my 1st PSP theme for my family!!! How cool can that be man... Like everytime I power up my PSP I can see my parents' face, serves as a reminder to me to play less and mug more! HAHA! Anyway wants me to help you create a customised PSP theme can tell me :)
Morning and afternoon was the usual mugging and mugging and mugging. Thought I'm able to finish reading by dinner, but I was wrong. Wanted to finish up the rest in the evening, but well... got tempted again by my laptop.... So.... I was creating this uber cool custom theme for my PSP.
Playing with photoshop and the custom theme programme, I made my 1st PSP theme for my family!!! How cool can that be man... Like everytime I power up my PSP I can see my parents' face, serves as a reminder to me to play less and mug more! HAHA! Anyway wants me to help you create a customised PSP theme can tell me :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Today is literally the hottest day that I've encountered for the whole semester.... Literally melting... Not even lame jokes can make me better now...
Pharmaco is a total, hmmm... nuclear bomb... really don't think I'll be able to get any decent grades liao... BB pharmaco...
Pharmaco is a total, hmmm... nuclear bomb... really don't think I'll be able to get any decent grades liao... BB pharmaco...
Pharmacology I
Less than 2 hours to the paper, and I'm already tired of mugging pharmacology... Persevere, 10 more days and it's over...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pharmacology paper tomorrow, hopefully what I studied all come out, what I didn't study dun come out! Running out of disk space...
Good luck all for the upcoming exams, we shall survive this together! Pharmacy Unite! LOL
Good luck all for the upcoming exams, we shall survive this together! Pharmacy Unite! LOL
Friday, April 25, 2008
24th April
Breakdown for today:-
1. Woke up early today to study, just in case, at least finished 2 chapters of pharm prac
2. Went Holland V with PJ, Dot, and JW. Thanks for being there! I know all of you are busy with mugging. Really appreciate that. Thanks for the company, the meal and the presents of course :P
3. Tried to mug after coming back from Holland V... At least finished 1 chapter before I went out for dinner with KL and HJ. The grilled salmon from Astons' not bad, quite nice.
4. Halfway through the dinner Pauline called me... I thought how come suddenly she'll call me... Din suspect much.... Well, somehow it's really a surprise that the whole bunch of you suddenly appeared out of nowhere.... Thanks Pauline, Audrey, Rachel, Jacqueline, Jie Yun for coming all the way to PGP! Stuff me with donuts haha. The card is like how cute la.
Thanks for all the people who wished me :P Felt less emo now that I know at least people care about me :) How I wish I'm 21 everyday haha ^_^
1. Woke up early today to study, just in case, at least finished 2 chapters of pharm prac
2. Went Holland V with PJ, Dot, and JW. Thanks for being there! I know all of you are busy with mugging. Really appreciate that. Thanks for the company, the meal and the presents of course :P
3. Tried to mug after coming back from Holland V... At least finished 1 chapter before I went out for dinner with KL and HJ. The grilled salmon from Astons' not bad, quite nice.
4. Halfway through the dinner Pauline called me... I thought how come suddenly she'll call me... Din suspect much.... Well, somehow it's really a surprise that the whole bunch of you suddenly appeared out of nowhere.... Thanks Pauline, Audrey, Rachel, Jacqueline, Jie Yun for coming all the way to PGP! Stuff me with donuts haha. The card is like how cute la.
Thanks for all the people who wished me :P Felt less emo now that I know at least people care about me :) How I wish I'm 21 everyday haha ^_^
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Coming of Age
Alright I'm officially 21 now... start to feel old liao..... cham.....
Gotta mug more efficiently, if not end up like Pharm Analysis term test I'll seriously need to jump down from PGP's 8th floor.
Gotta mug more efficiently, if not end up like Pharm Analysis term test I'll seriously need to jump down from PGP's 8th floor.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
爸, 生日快乐!
I'm sorry I couldn't go back to celebrate your birthday for you. Nevertheless, may you always be in the pink of health and be a happy man always!
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm soooo lazy to start studying.... I should really give myself a tight slap to wake up. Accidentally completed both Jeanne d' Ark and Crisis Core before the start of this week, and I'm halfway through street supremacy... Cham liao.
Got this shirt from the cell group people, thanks peeps!
Gotta start my super mugger engine tomorrow (TODAY!), really couldn't get results like last semester again... But well, hope is always hope :P All I can do is to pray for success....and MUG LIKE SIAO.
I wanna be a happy man! Just like Rev. Dr. Kim Sunghae said this morning!\
P.S. Comments no longer require approval.
Today's service is really super anointed, most of the time, a simple faith is all it takes to lead to salvation. I was like half crying halfway down the praying session.... Anyway, was rather surprised by the cell group at the end of the service. Thought Pauline will just say the usual few words then off for lunch. Dunno who divulged my date of birth... Cutting a long story short, they helped me celebrate my 21st birthday early. I'm rather touched, as I'm like just joined the cell group for less than a month lo. Almost cried on the spot again... Dunno why today feels like crying.... *Faints
Gotta start my super mugger engine tomorrow (TODAY!), really couldn't get results like last semester again... But well, hope is always hope :P All I can do is to pray for success....and MUG LIKE SIAO.
I wanna be a happy man! Just like Rev. Dr. Kim Sunghae said this morning!\
P.S. Comments no longer require approval.
Friday, April 18, 2008
What is mediocre? From, mediocre is " Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary". Everyone likes to be excellent, but if there's excellence, there'll be mediocrity. We've knowingly entered the rat race of survival of the fittest.
Maybe, just maybe, I'm indulged in the world of mediocrity. Mediocre in expressions, mediocre in studies, mediocre in abilities, mediocre in appearances, mediocre in thinking, mediocre in actions.... and the list goes on.... Maybe subconsciously indulging in mediocrity makes one more willing to accept defeats, since nothing's going to be worse anyway. Alas, it makes one to give up on trying to climb to the top.
P.S. This is not an emo entry
Maybe, just maybe, I'm indulged in the world of mediocrity. Mediocre in expressions, mediocre in studies, mediocre in abilities, mediocre in appearances, mediocre in thinking, mediocre in actions.... and the list goes on.... Maybe subconsciously indulging in mediocrity makes one more willing to accept defeats, since nothing's going to be worse anyway. Alas, it makes one to give up on trying to climb to the top.
P.S. This is not an emo entry
Monday, April 14, 2008
After half a month of "hibernation" from blogging, here I am, once again to blog. It appears that I have a lot to blog about for the recent 2 weeks, but I shall not go into details of each and everyone of them.
My PSP is officially more than 2 weeks' old. So far, I'm quite satisfied with its performance, although I know that it's just slightly more powerful than the good old PS One. One full charge can allow me up to 4 hours of entertainment, sometimes even 5. Games currently in my PSP: Jeanne d' Ark, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Patapon, Disgaiea: Afternoon of Darkness, and Worms 2. I'm about to finish Jeanne d' Ark's storyline soon... That shows how much I play my PSP *_* I should really get down and do some serious work....
Bought a new trainer during Asics' warehouse sale on 4th April. For 60 bucks, it's a super good deal! Luckily I went at 12.30pm. The queue became longer and longer after that... We're still a bit late though, as the size of the model that KL wanted was sold out... and that's like 30 minutes after the start of the sale la! Thanks KL for footing the bill :P I think I have the tendency to let people pay for me lol.

Today also marks the last quiz of MicroB SDL. So far so good, since I don't know exactly what I'm answering anyway. Incoming Pharmacology term test 2 and monograph quiz 3 on wednesday, I'll need a lot of luck, as usual, so that I won't mop the floor again.
Being not offered accommodation in campus for the next semester, I'm in deep trouble... Anyone who has contact for rooms/apartment rental do tell me :P
My PSP is officially more than 2 weeks' old. So far, I'm quite satisfied with its performance, although I know that it's just slightly more powerful than the good old PS One. One full charge can allow me up to 4 hours of entertainment, sometimes even 5. Games currently in my PSP: Jeanne d' Ark, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Patapon, Disgaiea: Afternoon of Darkness, and Worms 2. I'm about to finish Jeanne d' Ark's storyline soon... That shows how much I play my PSP *_* I should really get down and do some serious work....
Bought a new trainer during Asics' warehouse sale on 4th April. For 60 bucks, it's a super good deal! Luckily I went at 12.30pm. The queue became longer and longer after that... We're still a bit late though, as the size of the model that KL wanted was sold out... and that's like 30 minutes after the start of the sale la! Thanks KL for footing the bill :P I think I have the tendency to let people pay for me lol.
My new running shoe!
Last friday, the NUSPS exco went for the appreciation dinner organised by PSS. Guess what the door gift was? A PSS tie for the gentlemen and a stalk of red rose for the ladies. The food was nice, but the highlight was definitely getting to know more pharmacists! Asked some of the pharmacists regarding preceptorship in hospitals and community pharmacies. The guy from Watson was like so young.... around 28 years old nia, but he definitely looks younger than that... and the lady from SGH like super zai... I can feel the world closing in on me just by speaking to her for 5 minutes...Today also marks the last quiz of MicroB SDL. So far so good, since I don't know exactly what I'm answering anyway. Incoming Pharmacology term test 2 and monograph quiz 3 on wednesday, I'll need a lot of luck, as usual, so that I won't mop the floor again.
Being not offered accommodation in campus for the next semester, I'm in deep trouble... Anyone who has contact for rooms/apartment rental do tell me :P
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