Alright, after being lazy for so long, I've decided to try and finish my Taiwan trip posts. Oh my second day in Kao Hsiung, the Taipei gang came over :) 1st stop of the day: Cijin Island to eat seafood! So, we met at Xi Zhi Wan Station to take a ferry.
The station

After that, we went over to Gushan Ferry Pier to take a ferry over to Cijin Island (Although swimming over is another option) XD.
Gushan Ferry Pier

It took us about 10 minutes' ferry ride to reach Cijin Island, where you can see the colonial building look-alike Cijin Ferry Pier.
Cijin Ferry Pier and us :D Rawr!

The first thing when we went over is off course find a seafood restaurant to sit down! Took us quite a bit of walking and sun exposure to get to some supposedly nice restaurant, and it seemed that the restaurant has relocated :( So, we went in to another random restaurant. No complaints there though, the food is nice and cheap! Couldn't imagine that kind of freshness and price back in Malaysia or Singapore. Without further ado, introducing the 220 NTD per person seafood feast!
Thick thick sashimi!

Prawns! Look at how fresh looking they are!

La-la look-alike. Forgot what it's called liao though

Fried juicy Oysters! It's not even oily. Notice the polystyrene look-alike thing... It's keropok lol haha. I thought it was polysterene... The whole table had a good laugh over it LOL

Sotong which is both chewy and yummy!

After the satisfying lunch, we went to explore the island. First up, we went over to the hillwhich houses the lighthouse of Cijin Island. The view from the top of the hill is simply breathtaking. How I wish I have a holiday villa which is located there haha.
View from the hill

The lighthouse. Looks colonial

Us on the top of the hill. Nice nice view!

After the lighthouse, we took a detour to the other side of the hill to a fortress (actually I think it's more like a battery). The wind there is zzzz Almost got blown into the sea below... It is used as a fortress against I forgot who during the Ching Dynasty I think. But then again, I think it was taken over in quite a brief battle..... Stupid reason to build a fortress if it's going to be taken over so easily haha.
The fortress
View from the side of the fortress. Good spot to snipe!

After enjoying ourselves on the hill, we headed back to the pier. Along the way, we bought this hmm forgot what it's called. It's something like fried egg dough thingy.
Nice but a bit oily IMHO

Before we took the ferry back to the main island, we went in to this shop to eat the super big bowl ice kacang!

5 of us finished this.... We're like saying no more mango for 5 days after finishing this lol

Next up, we went over to Kao Hsiung Arena. It's some shopping center with lots of branded stuff.
Arena take 1!

Walking around shopping centers sure make us tired, so we went over to Rui Feng Night Market for yummy dinner!
Rui Feng Night Market

Noodle Bread/Bun

The bun, nice but messy to eat if you're on the go

Besides the bun, we also bought smoked sotong, cream puffs, and a lot more nice food. Too bad I didn't take them down..... Anyway, I went back to my hostel to get my luggage over to Po-min's place. Day 10 will be a day full of the sun, the sea, and lots of fun! Stay tuned!