Just to prove that I'm not dead in the lab and infested with HuH-7 cells, I'm here to update.
Been observing the phd student doing all the microbiology work, in the hope that I'll learn something since last Saturday. Well, I did learn a lot of things, just that don't have much hands on myself (supposed to do some hands on today, but we're rushing for a seminar, so in the end the phd student do all the work for me since he's so much faster).
Everyone around me seems to be very uptight about their FYP, which kind of make me stressed also. Is that what they called peer pressure? Must learn to accept what I've been given and give thanks to Him for everything :)
On a happier note, I think I like to spend money on wednesday haha. 100% spend more than 50 bucks on wednesdays one... So those people selling things can come look for me on wednesdays.
P.S. Dropped my phone this afternoon... now my w and k button need to press harder to get a respond T_T