This game is quite nice to play especially if you're stressed out or just want to vent your anger. Pitting a romance of the three kingdom's general against thousands of other "soldiers" can be fun. Combos are easy to execute but accuracy wise have to depend on your micromanagement. Imagine slicing away with no opponents in front of you. Sounds stupid huh? Well that's what I always end up when i got the directions wrong. The levels are not so difficult when you don't have owern laughing at you for failing a level due to negligence. On the contrary, the levels seems easier when owern's not around. Haha, peer "pressure" (literally).
Exams are 13 days away, but I still don't feel the motivation to mug. I'm tired, very tired dealing with other people, and futile efforts to stop untrue rumors flying around. Hopefully I can gain momentum along the way. I know nuts about applying marketing concepts, nothing about pharmacy as a profession, absolutely zero knowledge about how one perceives pain, and the worst, understand none of the changing landscape's concept. I'm screwed, totally screwed, inside out, right side left, posteriorly anterior, medially lateral, superiorly inferior. But why am I so slack? God knows. I need help to start studying.
Pls lor.....Don't blame me jus because you got no skill.....
Dunno who, cannot win until he have to use walkthrough.....
Btw,It's not "posteriorly anterior" it should be "Posteroanterior".
Lol it's supposed to be funny lo, no need to use the correct term.
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