PR2101 Dosage Form Design
The lecturer, Dr Rachel Ee is quite effective in her lectures so far, although I'm still struggling to understand the calculation parts of interfacial tension. Prof Chan Lai Wah is quite friendly I would say, almost similar to Miss Tan, but a little bit less radiance I would say.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2102 Pharmacy Law
Miss Amy Lim is by so far one lecturer who can make this kind of boring module better, by giving a lot of personal experiences in dealing with pharmacy law itself. There may be certain moments when I couldn't hear what she's talking about as she doesn't use the microphone, but most certainly she's one the few who I feel like listening to.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2103 Pharmacostatistics
This is one module which I do not know why they give us such a competent lecturer. I couldn't understand half the thing that he's talking about and greatly irritated by his constant use of "right" in every sentence. Maybe I'm just not cut out to do statistics. God knows.
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
SP1203 Foundation in Effective Communication
OMG it's GP all over again! Fear not, it's actually less GP and more on scrutinising articles. The tutor is kind enough to guide us along the way but knowing that I'm extremely inept in the English Language, I'll be struggling to keep up for this module. Someone help me please!
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
LAJ1201 Japanese 1
I've always wanted to do japanese language since I started watching anime. Afterall, all of my model kit assembling instruction manual is in japanese. It'll be good for me to learn the basics of the language in order for me to explore more into modelling :P Wish me luck 頑張ってください!
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5
After going through the 1st week, I've come to realise the shit that I'm getting myself into for doing another language module on top of SP1203. 8am to 6pm for most of the day and the latest I go to school is 9am...
On a lighter note, I managed to complete my MG 1/100 Strike Noir, put on some panel lining but have not put on the decals yet. Here's a picture of the forever-the-same-pose-i-always-do