Sunday, August 12, 2007


After months and months of preparation, NUS Rag 2007 have finally come to an end. Kudos to everyone in pharm rag team! Special mention to my logistics team as well as the exco (a.k.a. toilet team). As expected, Sheares hall sweeps most of the awards. Hopefully we can come out of a hall quality float next year (or at least 5% of it). Haha, I think it's quite difficult to do, but no harm wishing :P Here's a picture of Sheares Hall float -->
Rag ended, but school starts!!! OMG! I'm so not enjoying my holidays! Hopefully year 2 sem 1 is not as hard as I've heard. Luckily, after years and years of waiting, I managed to get Japanese 1 as one of my module! Hopefully I can score, coz I wouldn't want to use my S/U option on something I wanted to do so much since the beginning of time! On a lighter note, I've finally finished the Strike Noir I got for S$39, although I haven't do the noir pack yet. Here's a super lousy pose-->

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