Friday, November 30, 2007
昨夜为了庆祝婆婆的农历生日回了一趟新山. 虽然不是什么大场面,但最主要的还是一家人能够团聚. 桌桌令人看了都忍不住流口水的佳肴虽然不能填饱我这个饭桶,但是至少我不完全觉得饿. 由于今天需要回来新加坡, 晚饭后便随公公和婆婆回安乐市. 到了安乐市已是十二时, 今天又必须早上五时随我堂哥回来新加坡, 所以我便决定开夜车, 希望至少能够读完PR2102. 大概三时左右, 公公从二楼下来客厅, 看了一看我, 出了家大门. 我不以为然, 读着我的书. 大约十分钟后, 公公从门外进了客厅, 再看了一看我, 说到:"阿毅啊, 你刚才有睡觉吗? 不好读整夜的书啊. 最少也要睡一下, 不然对身体不好的." 我答到:"阿公, 有, 我刚才有睡一下, 不要紧的." 后来公公便转过身, 我以为他就这样上楼了. 公公走了几步, 停了下来, 转过头说:"要不要阿公帮你泡Milo, 喝一点会觉的比较舒服." 我也不好意思麻烦他老人家, 便回答到:"不用了,刚才我有喝了一点水. 阿公, 你去睡吧." 他答到:"这样好吧, 你也睡一下, 承恩五点才出去, 睡一点比较好." 这时, 我也不好意思拒绝他老人家的建议, 便乖乖地一直睡到五时. 公公常忘记我是他的孙子, 可能是我不常探望他老人家的缘故吧, 一直以来我都觉得我对他老人家不怎么喜欢我. 也许是我性格太疑神疑鬼了吧. 但事实证明他还是关心我的. 俗话说:"血浓于水" 公公怎么会不喜欢我呢?
Monday, November 26, 2007
More updates
OMG why do this guy keep updating his blog and not studying... *_* Anyway, after concluding the calculation parts of pharmacostatistics, I've decided to give myself another treat for persevering through all the statistics questions. I assembled the other hand, as well as the shoulder armor (see pictures below).
Before I move on to the other parts, I would like to highlight the hand, which is coated with gold paint (or is it chrome?). Anyway, it's one of my favourite hand to date.
The left hand
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hand Down
After another day of pharmacostatistics, it's time to reward myself for being a good boy doing all the chi-square tests. I moved on to the right hand after I've completed the torso and head yesterday evening. Still, I'm amazed at the amount of details on the plastic piece, but I've got no skill nor patience to panel line everything. So, I only panel line those that I like. For example:
As most of you would have realised by now, my panel lining skill is less than entry level... It looks like I anyhow splash crude oil/tar on top. Nevertheless, this kind of thing only shows up in pictures and less apparent to the naked eye. I still need more practice and professional advice.
Moving on, I managed to finish just the right arm this evening, shown below.

The arm doesn't look very impressive, but trust me, I love the detail of the skeleton. Too bad the colour of the skeleton is like s***, literally. Well, till I have the time to continue to the left hand.
Moving on, I managed to finish just the right arm this evening, shown below.
The arm doesn't look very impressive, but trust me, I love the detail of the skeleton. Too bad the colour of the skeleton is like s***, literally. Well, till I have the time to continue to the left hand.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Strike Freedom!
Alright, after convincing myself that it's not productive for me to carry on with F-distribution, I finally started to do something to my long overdue MG 1/100 Strike Freedom Full Burst Mode. When I first tried to assemble it, I'll say I'm quite disappointed to see the colour of the so-called "gold" resembles the colour of something else... Nevertheless, I carried on building the torso. followed by the head. I'm quite happy with the head part, due to it's details. In total, these 2 hours I'd say is not wasted, at least I found peace rather than scratch-head-can't-find-answer to pharmacostatistics questions. Without further ado, presenting to you, strike freedom.
Here's the head, fierce le.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New look!
Alright, I've finally decided to change that ugly template into something more refreshing. Still, I don't know how to make a custom one. Depends on whether I have the time, I might try to make one custom one for myself. :P Oh ya I took down the broadcast, feel kinda irritated everytime I visit my own blog... Need to go pause it haha. Furthermore, I don't feel like updating the songs. *_*
The layout aside, finally we're moving into the reading week. Lots and lots of things to study, but on the brighter side, no more classes! Japanese oral communication test last friday isn't really that intimidating, except for the stern looking examiner. SDL test is kinda too much for me, as I even have problem answering extraction questions which I'm supposed to be better at since I did the questions. Well, shouldn't dwell too much on it, time to move forward! Hopefully 明日は好いの日。
The layout aside, finally we're moving into the reading week. Lots and lots of things to study, but on the brighter side, no more classes! Japanese oral communication test last friday isn't really that intimidating, except for the stern looking examiner. SDL test is kinda too much for me, as I even have problem answering extraction questions which I'm supposed to be better at since I did the questions. Well, shouldn't dwell too much on it, time to move forward! Hopefully 明日は好いの日。
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Alright, that's my feeble attempt to write the whole blog entry using japanese. After taking the module for more than 3 months, writing a complete essay using japanese is still quite hard for me, let alone a supposed to be "sentimental" entry...
Anyway, feel kinda empty recently, maybe exam stress is finally getting to me, or maybe I'm just being an a**. There are times where I feel overwhelmed, and there are times when I am vexed, but most of the time, I just feel myself being a failure. Not talented in sports, musical instruments, nor interpersonal skills, I've been following the bulk flow that drives my community for way too long. Maybe it's time to wake up and do something really different for myself. 私は自信じゃありませんから、何も上手です。大変です。
Alright, that's my feeble attempt to write the whole blog entry using japanese. After taking the module for more than 3 months, writing a complete essay using japanese is still quite hard for me, let alone a supposed to be "sentimental" entry...
Anyway, feel kinda empty recently, maybe exam stress is finally getting to me, or maybe I'm just being an a**. There are times where I feel overwhelmed, and there are times when I am vexed, but most of the time, I just feel myself being a failure. Not talented in sports, musical instruments, nor interpersonal skills, I've been following the bulk flow that drives my community for way too long. Maybe it's time to wake up and do something really different for myself. 私は自信じゃありませんから、何も上手です。大変です。
Monday, November 12, 2007
IT'S OVER!!!!!
Finally Sp1203's poster presentation and SPSS assignment is over!!!
Looking at SPSS assignment, it's really a nightmare for people like me who don't like to do statistics. Doing tests after tests without knowing the significance of those tests is just not my style. Furthermore, there are a lot of ways to interpret one result... Worse still, getting a result which is not reproducible = DIE. But well, at least it's over after the lecture today. Hopefully I don't have to think of statistics for at least a long long time before the final year.
Moving on to the poster presentation, I'm quite shocked to know that two out of three winning posters are from my tutorial class la... It shows one thing, Chong Jin ROCKS!!! Anyway, don't really think I perform well during presentation anyway. Don't really wanna think of it anymore.
Here's Min Huey's group who got second :P
Even before the presentation, we realised that Yi Feng's groups is beside my group. OMG stressed sia. Here's my group anyway. We didn't get anything, but at least we know that SP is over!!!
But wait, everything is not over yet... I still have Dosage Form Design SDL Test and Japanese oral test on friday... hopefully it's not that hard. I'm desperate to keep myself afloat this semester.
Looking at SPSS assignment, it's really a nightmare for people like me who don't like to do statistics. Doing tests after tests without knowing the significance of those tests is just not my style. Furthermore, there are a lot of ways to interpret one result... Worse still, getting a result which is not reproducible = DIE. But well, at least it's over after the lecture today. Hopefully I don't have to think of statistics for at least a long long time before the final year.
Moving on to the poster presentation, I'm quite shocked to know that two out of three winning posters are from my tutorial class la... It shows one thing, Chong Jin ROCKS!!! Anyway, don't really think I perform well during presentation anyway. Don't really wanna think of it anymore.
Here's Min Huey's group who got second :P
Sunday, November 4, 2007
What's friends? I have many friends, friends that support me when I'm struggling, friends that cry with me when I'm sad, friends that laugh at me when I did something funny, friends that scowl at me when I did something really bad.
Without my friends, I wouldn't be who I am today. Even then, I can sense my over reliance to my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be in Singapore. Without them, I wouldn't even think of majoring in what I've decided to take today. Without them, I would still be an innocent little kid roaming around somewhere in Johor.
"No man is an island." said by someone who I do not know.
Sometimes I would just want to forget about the world and leave everything behind, but it's just too hard for me to leave my friends behind, even harder for me to reject a request from my best of friends. If you consider yourself my friend, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? GO TAG MY TAGBOARD! Haha just kidding.
P.S. : This post sounds like a primary 3 essay topic :P
Without my friends, I wouldn't be who I am today. Even then, I can sense my over reliance to my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be in Singapore. Without them, I wouldn't even think of majoring in what I've decided to take today. Without them, I would still be an innocent little kid roaming around somewhere in Johor.
"No man is an island." said by someone who I do not know.
Sometimes I would just want to forget about the world and leave everything behind, but it's just too hard for me to leave my friends behind, even harder for me to reject a request from my best of friends. If you consider yourself my friend, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? GO TAG MY TAGBOARD! Haha just kidding.
P.S. : This post sounds like a primary 3 essay topic :P
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