After another day of pharmacostatistics, it's time to reward myself for being a good boy doing all the chi-square tests. I moved on to the right hand after I've completed the torso and head yesterday evening. Still, I'm amazed at the amount of details on the plastic piece, but I've got no skill nor patience to panel line everything. So, I only panel line those that I like. For example:

and After

Here's another example:

and After

As most of you would have realised by now, my panel lining skill is less than entry level... It looks like I anyhow splash crude oil/tar on top. Nevertheless, this kind of thing only shows up in pictures and less apparent to the naked eye. I still need more practice and professional advice.
Moving on, I managed to finish just the right arm this evening, shown below.

The arm doesn't look very impressive, but trust me, I love the detail of the skeleton. Too bad the colour of the skeleton is like s***, literally. Well, till I have the time to continue to the left hand.
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