Before I move on to a more sensitive and serious stuff, I shall put a disclaimer
"The following statements are not meant to undermine anybody or anything and should be treated purely as a logic thinking. Any offensive remarks/statements are due to the writer's poor library of vocabularies"
Since I'm on the topic of easter, I shall talk a bit about Christianity. From the drama session, at least I know I'm not the "minority" non-Christian around in the hall. Inferring from the senior pastor, I think I should be in the second group, since I attend churches when I'm much much younger (e.g. primary school). Maybe it's the education I received, or maybe it's due to my nature, I tend to think about things more scientifically, or in a sense, "logically", or can be called evidence based too. To me, I will tend more towards Confucianism, which neither a religion not a cult. It's more like a way of thinking. In a way, Christianity is in line with my principle of life and way of thinking, but I would say that it's more towards the way I was brought up, or maybe it's a mixture of different influences and environments. As the saying goes: : "一种米养百种人", that may be why I am who I am today. To me, religion is a belief, it's whether you think it is a right thing to follow, and whether it's in line with your own principles. However, we will have different interpretations of a same thing. Something that is sweet to me may be sour to another person. That's the reason why there are conflicts between religion... but I'm quite sure that there are no religion that advocate war... People who knows me well will know that I'm actually quite open towards religion, maybe that's why I'm still without religion. As I've said earlier, I tend more towards my principle of living, doing the right thing at the right time, which is, easier to be said than done.
Now even I myself don't understand what I've written on top... Good luck interpreting.... On a side note, guess what the picture below is/where is this picture taken.
Changi Airport Terminal 3?
correct lol sean answered it before haha
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