Soichi Negishi is a shy and gentle young man who dreams of a career as a pop musician. Dreams don't pay the bills, so he's ended up as the le
ad singer of a death metal band called “Detroit Metal City.” In stage costume he is Johannes Krauser II, rumored to be a demon, to have killed and raped his parents, to wield his giant death penis with abandon, etc. etc. Negishi despises DMC and all that it stands for, but so help him, he's a terrific performer and can't walk away from that. As DMC's star rises Negishi tries to satisfy both worlds, but can he? No. No, he can't.
The show was rather funny... but I'm kind of disturbed by the constant f*** word popping out every now and then. The show really showed me the reality where people to certain extent have to put on a second face just to make ends meet... But then, you might never know that the fake mask that you've been putting on is actually just an alternative way to fulfill your dream. :)
Visited Christine after the show... Thank God she's feeling better now. I saw some pills that I suspect is carbamazepine lol. Now I appreciate Peter Wong more haha, although I still hate neuro drugs =.=!
Let's take a step back. Before the movie, I went with Jian Wei, Raymond, Baxter, Felicia, and Jia Wei to shop for my own birthday gift lol. Really thank you all for the time spent helping me choose the polo :) Shall update again when the date gets nearer so don't flame me for it haha.
The polo that we bought :P
P.S. If you stare hard enough you'lol go blur looking at the lines haha, jsut realised that lol
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