Monday, November 10, 2008

Translation Notes

Alright, got people complain I haven't provide translation for the previous post, so here it is.

"Today's the last TC class. We had a debate. Before the class, the whole class made the thank you card for Fujii sensei together. Because Xuan De's late, we ended up entering the class at 4.05pm. Fujii sensei had already prepared the place for debate. Then, we gave the thank you card to Fujii sensei and she became very happy. We're happy too. After that, we had the debate and followed by a photo session with Fujii sensei. 

Fujii sensei, (we've) really received a lot of help from you. Really thank you for that. Take good care of your body, work hard, and be healthy always."

Well, it's kinda a direct translation so don't bomb me for the literal meanings. It's not easy to make the context flow with my limited japanese language....

Thursday, November 6, 2008


今日は最後のTC。ヂィベットがある。クラッスのまえに、TCの皆いっしょに藤井先生の「ありがとうカッド」を作った。Xuan Deさんはちょっと遅いから、みんな四時五分教室に入った。藤井先生はもうヂィベットの準備が終わった。そして、僕たちは「ありがとうカッド」を先生にあげた。先生は嬉しくなった。皆も嬉しかった。それから、ヂィベットをしたり、先生と写真を撮ったりした。

Saturday, November 1, 2008