Thursday, April 5, 2007

The beginning of the end

Another week has passed, and I do feel that this week have been a better week compared to the last. At least my cheque has been cleared, meaning I'll be quite financially independent for the rest of the semester at least.

Besides that, getting a not too bad grade for a Singapore Studies module project is another reason to be happy about. At least I can look forward to less mugging towards the finals.

One thing that is bugging me throughout this week is the rumors that's going around my blog (You're a blockhead if you have not realise it by now). I'm going to say one last time: I'M SINGLE AND AVAILABLE AND NOT ATTACHED WHATSOEVER TO ANYONE YET! Any more rumors the rumor mongers will have to bear with my wrath!

Back on a lighter note, I've finally sold my PG RX-178 MK_II, ensuring my wallet is satisfied for the remaining of this semester. I'd also like to take the opportunity to wish everyone an advanced Happy Good Friday!


O-Wern said...

Hey hey...
relax man... I see that you don't want your current relationship with "you know who" to go public.
but why man? Don't be shy la.
And oh ya people...the SMU girl is not chern yih's one. My bad...
sry... Chern Yih is going out with a girl from NUS Pharmacy!

ecnerwal said...

Dots, my stand is final. Any further accusations are not tolerated.