Went for night cycling with fellow councillors yesterday night. Looking at the attendance, I must say that I'm surprised. A total number of 13 councillors turned up for the night cycling, as contrast to normal gatherings. Maybe it's just because the guys have ORDed and the girls are having holidays. But well, it's nice to see all of them again after so long, kinda able to relive the old council memories in me. We departed from ECP at around 10.30 towards orchard, reaching The Cathay around 12 midnight. On the way, we stopped by Benjamin Sheares Bridge, where we took a group photo. It's like how difficult to get up there la. Super long bridge and we're going upslope...
As mentioned earlier, we went to The Cathay, where we watched a movie "The Golden Compass". Overall I'll say it's a decent movie, just that I don't really understand the anti religion notion in it as pointed out by the rest. Maybe I'm just too scientific to understand religion :P
After the movie, we took a detour through somewhere in River Valley, and Hian Chuan dropped my camera!!! OK it's nothing much actually haha luckily the camera is sturdy enough.
After that, we went back to Bedok Jetty for sunrise. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, we didn't see the sunrise... Stupid clouds. Anyway, had McDonald's big breakfast before coming back to hostel. Like not tired la.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
昨夜为了庆祝婆婆的农历生日回了一趟新山. 虽然不是什么大场面,但最主要的还是一家人能够团聚. 桌桌令人看了都忍不住流口水的佳肴虽然不能填饱我这个饭桶,但是至少我不完全觉得饿. 由于今天需要回来新加坡, 晚饭后便随公公和婆婆回安乐市. 到了安乐市已是十二时, 今天又必须早上五时随我堂哥回来新加坡, 所以我便决定开夜车, 希望至少能够读完PR2102. 大概三时左右, 公公从二楼下来客厅, 看了一看我, 出了家大门. 我不以为然, 读着我的书. 大约十分钟后, 公公从门外进了客厅, 再看了一看我, 说到:"阿毅啊, 你刚才有睡觉吗? 不好读整夜的书啊. 最少也要睡一下, 不然对身体不好的." 我答到:"阿公, 有, 我刚才有睡一下, 不要紧的." 后来公公便转过身, 我以为他就这样上楼了. 公公走了几步, 停了下来, 转过头说:"要不要阿公帮你泡Milo, 喝一点会觉的比较舒服." 我也不好意思麻烦他老人家, 便回答到:"不用了,刚才我有喝了一点水. 阿公, 你去睡吧." 他答到:"这样好吧, 你也睡一下, 承恩五点才出去, 睡一点比较好." 这时, 我也不好意思拒绝他老人家的建议, 便乖乖地一直睡到五时. 公公常忘记我是他的孙子, 可能是我不常探望他老人家的缘故吧, 一直以来我都觉得我对他老人家不怎么喜欢我. 也许是我性格太疑神疑鬼了吧. 但事实证明他还是关心我的. 俗话说:"血浓于水" 公公怎么会不喜欢我呢?
Monday, November 26, 2007
More updates
OMG why do this guy keep updating his blog and not studying... *_* Anyway, after concluding the calculation parts of pharmacostatistics, I've decided to give myself another treat for persevering through all the statistics questions. I assembled the other hand, as well as the shoulder armor (see pictures below).
Before I move on to the other parts, I would like to highlight the hand, which is coated with gold paint (or is it chrome?). Anyway, it's one of my favourite hand to date.
The left hand
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hand Down
After another day of pharmacostatistics, it's time to reward myself for being a good boy doing all the chi-square tests. I moved on to the right hand after I've completed the torso and head yesterday evening. Still, I'm amazed at the amount of details on the plastic piece, but I've got no skill nor patience to panel line everything. So, I only panel line those that I like. For example:
As most of you would have realised by now, my panel lining skill is less than entry level... It looks like I anyhow splash crude oil/tar on top. Nevertheless, this kind of thing only shows up in pictures and less apparent to the naked eye. I still need more practice and professional advice.
Moving on, I managed to finish just the right arm this evening, shown below.

The arm doesn't look very impressive, but trust me, I love the detail of the skeleton. Too bad the colour of the skeleton is like s***, literally. Well, till I have the time to continue to the left hand.
Moving on, I managed to finish just the right arm this evening, shown below.
The arm doesn't look very impressive, but trust me, I love the detail of the skeleton. Too bad the colour of the skeleton is like s***, literally. Well, till I have the time to continue to the left hand.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Strike Freedom!
Alright, after convincing myself that it's not productive for me to carry on with F-distribution, I finally started to do something to my long overdue MG 1/100 Strike Freedom Full Burst Mode. When I first tried to assemble it, I'll say I'm quite disappointed to see the colour of the so-called "gold" resembles the colour of something else... Nevertheless, I carried on building the torso. followed by the head. I'm quite happy with the head part, due to it's details. In total, these 2 hours I'd say is not wasted, at least I found peace rather than scratch-head-can't-find-answer to pharmacostatistics questions. Without further ado, presenting to you, strike freedom.
Here's the head, fierce le.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New look!
Alright, I've finally decided to change that ugly template into something more refreshing. Still, I don't know how to make a custom one. Depends on whether I have the time, I might try to make one custom one for myself. :P Oh ya I took down the broadcast, feel kinda irritated everytime I visit my own blog... Need to go pause it haha. Furthermore, I don't feel like updating the songs. *_*
The layout aside, finally we're moving into the reading week. Lots and lots of things to study, but on the brighter side, no more classes! Japanese oral communication test last friday isn't really that intimidating, except for the stern looking examiner. SDL test is kinda too much for me, as I even have problem answering extraction questions which I'm supposed to be better at since I did the questions. Well, shouldn't dwell too much on it, time to move forward! Hopefully 明日は好いの日。
The layout aside, finally we're moving into the reading week. Lots and lots of things to study, but on the brighter side, no more classes! Japanese oral communication test last friday isn't really that intimidating, except for the stern looking examiner. SDL test is kinda too much for me, as I even have problem answering extraction questions which I'm supposed to be better at since I did the questions. Well, shouldn't dwell too much on it, time to move forward! Hopefully 明日は好いの日。
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Alright, that's my feeble attempt to write the whole blog entry using japanese. After taking the module for more than 3 months, writing a complete essay using japanese is still quite hard for me, let alone a supposed to be "sentimental" entry...
Anyway, feel kinda empty recently, maybe exam stress is finally getting to me, or maybe I'm just being an a**. There are times where I feel overwhelmed, and there are times when I am vexed, but most of the time, I just feel myself being a failure. Not talented in sports, musical instruments, nor interpersonal skills, I've been following the bulk flow that drives my community for way too long. Maybe it's time to wake up and do something really different for myself. 私は自信じゃありませんから、何も上手です。大変です。
Alright, that's my feeble attempt to write the whole blog entry using japanese. After taking the module for more than 3 months, writing a complete essay using japanese is still quite hard for me, let alone a supposed to be "sentimental" entry...
Anyway, feel kinda empty recently, maybe exam stress is finally getting to me, or maybe I'm just being an a**. There are times where I feel overwhelmed, and there are times when I am vexed, but most of the time, I just feel myself being a failure. Not talented in sports, musical instruments, nor interpersonal skills, I've been following the bulk flow that drives my community for way too long. Maybe it's time to wake up and do something really different for myself. 私は自信じゃありませんから、何も上手です。大変です。
Monday, November 12, 2007
IT'S OVER!!!!!
Finally Sp1203's poster presentation and SPSS assignment is over!!!
Looking at SPSS assignment, it's really a nightmare for people like me who don't like to do statistics. Doing tests after tests without knowing the significance of those tests is just not my style. Furthermore, there are a lot of ways to interpret one result... Worse still, getting a result which is not reproducible = DIE. But well, at least it's over after the lecture today. Hopefully I don't have to think of statistics for at least a long long time before the final year.
Moving on to the poster presentation, I'm quite shocked to know that two out of three winning posters are from my tutorial class la... It shows one thing, Chong Jin ROCKS!!! Anyway, don't really think I perform well during presentation anyway. Don't really wanna think of it anymore.
Here's Min Huey's group who got second :P
Even before the presentation, we realised that Yi Feng's groups is beside my group. OMG stressed sia. Here's my group anyway. We didn't get anything, but at least we know that SP is over!!!
But wait, everything is not over yet... I still have Dosage Form Design SDL Test and Japanese oral test on friday... hopefully it's not that hard. I'm desperate to keep myself afloat this semester.
Looking at SPSS assignment, it's really a nightmare for people like me who don't like to do statistics. Doing tests after tests without knowing the significance of those tests is just not my style. Furthermore, there are a lot of ways to interpret one result... Worse still, getting a result which is not reproducible = DIE. But well, at least it's over after the lecture today. Hopefully I don't have to think of statistics for at least a long long time before the final year.
Moving on to the poster presentation, I'm quite shocked to know that two out of three winning posters are from my tutorial class la... It shows one thing, Chong Jin ROCKS!!! Anyway, don't really think I perform well during presentation anyway. Don't really wanna think of it anymore.
Here's Min Huey's group who got second :P
Sunday, November 4, 2007
What's friends? I have many friends, friends that support me when I'm struggling, friends that cry with me when I'm sad, friends that laugh at me when I did something funny, friends that scowl at me when I did something really bad.
Without my friends, I wouldn't be who I am today. Even then, I can sense my over reliance to my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be in Singapore. Without them, I wouldn't even think of majoring in what I've decided to take today. Without them, I would still be an innocent little kid roaming around somewhere in Johor.
"No man is an island." said by someone who I do not know.
Sometimes I would just want to forget about the world and leave everything behind, but it's just too hard for me to leave my friends behind, even harder for me to reject a request from my best of friends. If you consider yourself my friend, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? GO TAG MY TAGBOARD! Haha just kidding.
P.S. : This post sounds like a primary 3 essay topic :P
Without my friends, I wouldn't be who I am today. Even then, I can sense my over reliance to my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be in Singapore. Without them, I wouldn't even think of majoring in what I've decided to take today. Without them, I would still be an innocent little kid roaming around somewhere in Johor.
"No man is an island." said by someone who I do not know.
Sometimes I would just want to forget about the world and leave everything behind, but it's just too hard for me to leave my friends behind, even harder for me to reject a request from my best of friends. If you consider yourself my friend, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? GO TAG MY TAGBOARD! Haha just kidding.
P.S. : This post sounds like a primary 3 essay topic :P
Monday, October 15, 2007
When's your Tivoli moment?
After much lack of sleep and editing powerpoint slides, finally the presentation is over. Although I feel that it is kind of last minute, but I do feel that we've put up a good fight. Still, I'm still immature as a marketer, or even a presenter myself. Anyway, this is my first in doing this kind of business presentation. It's not even anything similar to normal marketing module presentation. Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself, my teammates nor my university by giving a crappy presentation. Proudly present to you team Quadriga!
This is my Tivoli moment. When's yours?
Saturday, October 6, 2007
After not blogging for two weeks, I've finally decided to blog again. Last week have been a hell of a week for most pharmacy year 2s I guess, with Pharmacostatistics CA on thursday and DFD reports due on Friday. Further outlook includes final submission of SP1203 Assignment 2 and submission of assignment 3 draft. We're also expecting dispensing test next thursday. I've totally no idea what pharm law, pharmstats and sp1203 is talking about until today. At least I'm still following quite closely to Japanese 1, or else......DEAD!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Insuficient pharmacists?
I hope I'm not the only one following the news recently. Kind of feeling down after all the bad news about pharmacy profession in Singapore. I know that I can't really express myself well, but I'll try to comment on what I think about the whole event here.
Firstly, I feel that our salaries should be comparable to the amount of hardwork we put in. Compared to doctors (GPs in particulars), the ratio is kinda alright in my opinion. Quoting a source, doctors don't really earn that much also, in a range of 3000, which in my opinion is not really very high considering they spent 5 years and lots of money to take the course.
Now, somehow I feel that our curriculum system is flawed, too much emphasis on theoretical stuff and too little on real clinical settings. Even the attitudes of some pharmacy students in NUS is not right. Not that I wanna bring in controversial topic, but it is true that some people came into the pharmacy course solely due to their inability to get into medicine and dentistry, apart from lacking the money to go overseas for the above mentioned courses. Naturally, they don't have the passion for pharmacy at all. I'm guessing that most of them just want to finish a course that at least look better than just a normal science degree. Maybe this also explains why the public do not really respect the pharmacists.
Somehow I realised I'm just writing whatever that comes into my head. Apologies to those who're offended. No offensive materials intended, just pure ranting.
Firstly, I feel that our salaries should be comparable to the amount of hardwork we put in. Compared to doctors (GPs in particulars), the ratio is kinda alright in my opinion. Quoting a source, doctors don't really earn that much also, in a range of 3000, which in my opinion is not really very high considering they spent 5 years and lots of money to take the course.
Now, somehow I feel that our curriculum system is flawed, too much emphasis on theoretical stuff and too little on real clinical settings. Even the attitudes of some pharmacy students in NUS is not right. Not that I wanna bring in controversial topic, but it is true that some people came into the pharmacy course solely due to their inability to get into medicine and dentistry, apart from lacking the money to go overseas for the above mentioned courses. Naturally, they don't have the passion for pharmacy at all. I'm guessing that most of them just want to finish a course that at least look better than just a normal science degree. Maybe this also explains why the public do not really respect the pharmacists.
Somehow I realised I'm just writing whatever that comes into my head. Apologies to those who're offended. No offensive materials intended, just pure ranting.
After 6 weeks of school finally it's the holidays! One week holiday isn't really enough for me though. But whatever, enjoy the holiday while I can. In the mean time I should really be catching up on pharmacostatistics as well as pharmacy law. Jap 1 is going to get tougher and more complicated. Hopefully I can cope with it without breaking down in the process. I'll have to postpone the update on the remaining of akatsuki as I'm currently back in Malaysia and have no access to my tools and kits. SP1203.... more surveys and reading to do. Sienz.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Ok I'm running out for things to blog about. Maybe I'll just post some work in progress pics for my 1/100 akatsuki. So far I've only finished building the head, body and hands, which took me about a month to build. (Not that I build super slowly, just that I didn't find time to continue building pass the head part due to assignments etc)

The side view. I didn't line the upper row of the small little words at the ear area coz it's super hard to line.

Anyone thinks the back view is messy? If you don't I'm afraid to say that you need new specs.

The front view of the body. Personally I think it's quite nice as compared to the head that I've done. But it's definitely something that can be improved on.

The side view of the body. Kinda messy at the joining part between the front and back armor. Again, poor PGP lighting and my noob panel lining skills.

The back part of the body. You'll realise that the two circles are not panel lined. Personally I find it quite hard to draw out the circles which doesn't have any groove for me to base on. Time for more panel lining training :P

The front view of the head. Notice the smudging on the v-fin. I'm not exactly good in panel lining. Coupled with PGP's poor lighting in the room, it's even more difficult to panel line properly. Reason being I can't see what I'm doing properly.
The side view. I didn't line the upper row of the small little words at the ear area coz it's super hard to line.
Anyone thinks the back view is messy? If you don't I'm afraid to say that you need new specs.
The front view of the body. Personally I think it's quite nice as compared to the head that I've done. But it's definitely something that can be improved on.
The side view of the body. Kinda messy at the joining part between the front and back armor. Again, poor PGP lighting and my noob panel lining skills.
The back part of the body. You'll realise that the two circles are not panel lined. Personally I find it quite hard to draw out the circles which doesn't have any groove for me to base on. Time for more panel lining training :P
Combined photo of the head, body and both hands. The head looks fierce alright :P More pictures coming soon if I manage to find time to build the kit. Mid-semester break coming tho. Hopefully I can finish it before then. As a side note, just came back from the medical alumni dinner, I think a-gong is super funny la. Certainly someone to be respected. His track record is like WOW! You need to see him yourself to believe it.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Went to Ministry of Sound for four-play bash yesterday night to help out the ex-finance director in the running of the programs. For the information of those who don't know, it's a bash co-organised by the 4 health care faculties/departments, namely pharmacy, medicine, dentistry and nursing. Guess what? I got so high that I couldn't even walk properly... talking about alcoholism.....
Some people say I'm drunk, but I don't know that for sure. I still remember sharing a taxi back with CK, Kenning and Adeline, and I puked out the last 2 glasses of drink I had...which is vodka cranberry and bourbon dry (did I name it correctly) Forgot what happened after that, although I remember clearing up the floor and pour concentrated dettol over it.
I woke up this morning at 8.40am and OMG..........I SAW A GIRL SLEEPING BESIDE ME!!!!!!!
Ok just joking, I woke up and go straight to bathe :P
Now more on the event itself. As I'm helping Xuan Wei to sell tickets, I missed both pharmacy dance teams' performance. After closing the ticket sales booth at 9pm, I went in with Ivan to join in the fun! Somehow I just can't stop drinking, not because I'm an alcoholic, just that I can't stand looking at drinkable liquid in front of me without drinking it. Those that know me well should know :P Ivan was asking me to stop drinking...... Haha...... Putting that aside, I think I finished 8 glasses... (Yes, 8 glasses and I'm going down!) Vodka lime, vodka orange, 2 vodka cranberries, whisky coke, whisky cranberry, bourbon dry and gin sprite. Although I wasted the last 2 glasses.... Maybe it's because I don't drink often, this kind of occasion really makes me forget about assignments and readings temporarily. But then I remembered blabbing a lot of medical advice when I'm high......CK was like constantly asking me to shut up on the way back from MOS. By the way, can someone describe what do you feel when you have a hangover?
Anyway, back to assignments and drafts......
Some people say I'm drunk, but I don't know that for sure. I still remember sharing a taxi back with CK, Kenning and Adeline, and I puked out the last 2 glasses of drink I had...which is vodka cranberry and bourbon dry (did I name it correctly) Forgot what happened after that, although I remember clearing up the floor and pour concentrated dettol over it.
I woke up this morning at 8.40am and OMG..........I SAW A GIRL SLEEPING BESIDE ME!!!!!!!
Ok just joking, I woke up and go straight to bathe :P
Now more on the event itself. As I'm helping Xuan Wei to sell tickets, I missed both pharmacy dance teams' performance. After closing the ticket sales booth at 9pm, I went in with Ivan to join in the fun! Somehow I just can't stop drinking, not because I'm an alcoholic, just that I can't stand looking at drinkable liquid in front of me without drinking it. Those that know me well should know :P Ivan was asking me to stop drinking...... Haha...... Putting that aside, I think I finished 8 glasses... (Yes, 8 glasses and I'm going down!) Vodka lime, vodka orange, 2 vodka cranberries, whisky coke, whisky cranberry, bourbon dry and gin sprite. Although I wasted the last 2 glasses.... Maybe it's because I don't drink often, this kind of occasion really makes me forget about assignments and readings temporarily. But then I remembered blabbing a lot of medical advice when I'm high......CK was like constantly asking me to shut up on the way back from MOS. By the way, can someone describe what do you feel when you have a hangover?
Anyway, back to assignments and drafts......
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Yes? No?
"With great power, comes great responsibility"
and " With great responsibility, comes tough decision"
Why can't I make decisions?
Factor 1 : Both are equally difficult to reject
Factor 2: Both are equally important
Factor 3: I'll feel bad rejecting either one of them
Factor 4: Clash of mind and heart
Factor 5: Someone took out my laundry before they're dry!
Can I have the best of both worlds? Not easy, almost impossible. As a chinese proverb goes "Don't fill too much water if you don't have a jar that is big enough for it". Nevertheless, I'll try my best. Without expectations, there will be no disappointment. Without disappointment, there will be no violence. Without violence, there will be world peace.
and " With great responsibility, comes tough decision"
Why can't I make decisions?
Factor 1 : Both are equally difficult to reject
Factor 2: Both are equally important
Factor 3: I'll feel bad rejecting either one of them
Factor 4: Clash of mind and heart
Factor 5: Someone took out my laundry before they're dry!
Can I have the best of both worlds? Not easy, almost impossible. As a chinese proverb goes "Don't fill too much water if you don't have a jar that is big enough for it". Nevertheless, I'll try my best. Without expectations, there will be no disappointment. Without disappointment, there will be no violence. Without violence, there will be world peace.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Went to a guards changing ceremony at istana this afternoon. I would say that I'm quite impressed with the guards for the "performance". Anyway, I came to think about why do people tend to treat a person with different nationality differently than how they treat their own countrymate. Is there no way a foreigner can blend in with the local society completely? Or maybe it's the foreigners themselves that caused the differentiation. I would consider myself as a transnational. It's not that I do not feel anything for my own country, it's just that I feel that earth is meant to be shared among homo sapiens. Why do we even bother to differentiate ourselves as chinese, indians, malays, whites, blacks ......? When will it be when we can all live together as a single human race?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Yet another post
1st week of term is over, so it's time for me to review the modules I take this semester based on lectures I have attended so far.
PR2101 Dosage Form Design
The lecturer, Dr Rachel Ee is quite effective in her lectures so far, although I'm still struggling to understand the calculation parts of interfacial tension. Prof Chan Lai Wah is quite friendly I would say, almost similar to Miss Tan, but a little bit less radiance I would say.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2102 Pharmacy Law
Miss Amy Lim is by so far one lecturer who can make this kind of boring module better, by giving a lot of personal experiences in dealing with pharmacy law itself. There may be certain moments when I couldn't hear what she's talking about as she doesn't use the microphone, but most certainly she's one the few who I feel like listening to.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2103 Pharmacostatistics
This is one module which I do not know why they give us such a competent lecturer. I couldn't understand half the thing that he's talking about and greatly irritated by his constant use of "right" in every sentence. Maybe I'm just not cut out to do statistics. God knows.
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
SP1203 Foundation in Effective Communication
OMG it's GP all over again! Fear not, it's actually less GP and more on scrutinising articles. The tutor is kind enough to guide us along the way but knowing that I'm extremely inept in the English Language, I'll be struggling to keep up for this module. Someone help me please!
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
LAJ1201 Japanese 1
I've always wanted to do japanese language since I started watching anime. Afterall, all of my model kit assembling instruction manual is in japanese. It'll be good for me to learn the basics of the language in order for me to explore more into modelling :P Wish me luck 頑張ってください!
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5
After going through the 1st week, I've come to realise the shit that I'm getting myself into for doing another language module on top of SP1203. 8am to 6pm for most of the day and the latest I go to school is 9am...
On a lighter note, I managed to complete my MG 1/100 Strike Noir, put on some panel lining but have not put on the decals yet. Here's a picture of the forever-the-same-pose-i-always-do

PR2101 Dosage Form Design
The lecturer, Dr Rachel Ee is quite effective in her lectures so far, although I'm still struggling to understand the calculation parts of interfacial tension. Prof Chan Lai Wah is quite friendly I would say, almost similar to Miss Tan, but a little bit less radiance I would say.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2102 Pharmacy Law
Miss Amy Lim is by so far one lecturer who can make this kind of boring module better, by giving a lot of personal experiences in dealing with pharmacy law itself. There may be certain moments when I couldn't hear what she's talking about as she doesn't use the microphone, but most certainly she's one the few who I feel like listening to.
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
PR2103 Pharmacostatistics
This is one module which I do not know why they give us such a competent lecturer. I couldn't understand half the thing that he's talking about and greatly irritated by his constant use of "right" in every sentence. Maybe I'm just not cut out to do statistics. God knows.
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
SP1203 Foundation in Effective Communication
OMG it's GP all over again! Fear not, it's actually less GP and more on scrutinising articles. The tutor is kind enough to guide us along the way but knowing that I'm extremely inept in the English Language, I'll be struggling to keep up for this module. Someone help me please!
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
LAJ1201 Japanese 1
I've always wanted to do japanese language since I started watching anime. Afterall, all of my model kit assembling instruction manual is in japanese. It'll be good for me to learn the basics of the language in order for me to explore more into modelling :P Wish me luck 頑張ってください!
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5
After going through the 1st week, I've come to realise the shit that I'm getting myself into for doing another language module on top of SP1203. 8am to 6pm for most of the day and the latest I go to school is 9am...
On a lighter note, I managed to complete my MG 1/100 Strike Noir, put on some panel lining but have not put on the decals yet. Here's a picture of the forever-the-same-pose-i-always-do
Sunday, August 12, 2007
After months and months of preparation, NUS Rag 2007 have finally come to an end. Kudos to everyone in pharm rag team! Special mention to my logistics team as well as the exco (a.k.a. toilet team). As expected, Sheares hall sweeps most of the awards. Hopefully we can come out of a hall quality float next year (or at least 5% of it). Haha, I think it's quite difficult to do, but no harm wishing :P Here's a picture of Sheares Hall float -->
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Reason 1: They are civilised on the surface but barbaric deep down in their hearts (Explains pretty well why some PGP toilets are so dirty but some are cleaner in comparison)
Reason 2: The flushing system is not working properly (Blame who? The contractors for not fixing the damned flushing system or the person who didn't even bother to take water from elsewhere to flush?)
Reason 3: They are rushing for time (Stupid reason)
Reason 4: PUB cut off the water supply (Wait long long)
Reason 5: Not happy with OSA and wanna protest (Then write in an official complaint letter instead, don't make others suffer)
Reason 6: They just came from some village deep down in the earth's crust (Fine enough, faeces are incinerated instead of flushed)
Reason 7: They wanna parade their waste to the rest of the world (Nice exhibit, lol)
No matter what's the reason, this kind of sight should not be seen in public places, much more it's NUS!!! What will the public think if they encounter this kind of situation in NUS? Maybe that's the difference between them N'US. We have higher immunity towards this kind of act.
Reason 1: They are civilised on the surface but barbaric deep down in their hearts (Explains pretty well why some PGP toilets are so dirty but some are cleaner in comparison)
Reason 2: The flushing system is not working properly (Blame who? The contractors for not fixing the damned flushing system or the person who didn't even bother to take water from elsewhere to flush?)
Reason 3: They are rushing for time (Stupid reason)
Reason 4: PUB cut off the water supply (Wait long long)
Reason 5: Not happy with OSA and wanna protest (Then write in an official complaint letter instead, don't make others suffer)
Reason 6: They just came from some village deep down in the earth's crust (Fine enough, faeces are incinerated instead of flushed)
Reason 7: They wanna parade their waste to the rest of the world (Nice exhibit, lol)
No matter what's the reason, this kind of sight should not be seen in public places, much more it's NUS!!! What will the public think if they encounter this kind of situation in NUS? Maybe that's the difference between them N'US. We have higher immunity towards this kind of act.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
According to Wikipedia, cheerleading is a sport that uses organized routines made from elements of tumbling, dance, and stunting to cheer on sports teams at games and matches, or to compete at cheerleading competitions.
Finally I got a chance to experience some of the stunts today. Quite excited about it. However, notice for newbies like me: always make sure you're using a mat when you're doing the stunts and have a very reliable support team to prevent any unwanted injuries. You'll never know when accidents may happen. Once again, be careful in everything you do. Always buy an insurance. Better safe than sorry.
Finally I got a chance to experience some of the stunts today. Quite excited about it. However, notice for newbies like me: always make sure you're using a mat when you're doing the stunts and have a very reliable support team to prevent any unwanted injuries. You'll never know when accidents may happen. Once again, be careful in everything you do. Always buy an insurance. Better safe than sorry.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Say Cheese!
After a few months long of looking around and comparing prices, I've finally bought my first ever privately-owned digital camera. At the price of SGD 370, I think this Sony W-55 is a good buy although buying from US is definitely cheaper. Now I can shift my attention to accessories and a new phone! Look forward to more gundam pictures from me now that I have my own camera :P
Went on a long awaited Ipoh-Penang-Langkawi family trip since 2nd June. I'll blog on the trip when I go back Singapore tomorrow, the connection in my house is too slow for me to upload the photos. Argh, when will streamyx be fast enough for me???
Here's a sneak peak picture of the trip.
Went on a long awaited Ipoh-Penang-Langkawi family trip since 2nd June. I'll blog on the trip when I go back Singapore tomorrow, the connection in my house is too slow for me to upload the photos. Argh, when will streamyx be fast enough for me???
Here's a sneak peak picture of the trip.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Welcome to the Kingdom of Boredom
I have not been updating my blog since a few thousand years ago. Haih... Feeling kinda lazy to update my blog as compared to when I first started the blog. One main reason is that I have not been assembling gundam models for quite some time now due to exams and activities. Furthermore, I have not bought my digital camera, so even if I have the time to assemble the model kits I do not have the camera to take pictures. Quite a number of model kits which I have not taken their pictures yet, namely Stargazer, Blitz, Akatsuki, Duel, Zaku Phantom, Providence, etc.
Holidays can be very boring and at the same time exciting as well. The boring part involves rotting at home while harvesting mushrooms to start distributing. Another boring part will be travelling between Singapore and Malaysia. Time wasted but who cares, I have nothing but time now. Looking more at the exciting part, I have Pharmacy Camp 2007 and NUS Rag and Flag 2007 to look forward to.
Received my results just a few days ago, quite satisfied with it. Hopefully I can pull up my CAP further for the remaining 6 semesters of Pharmacy to realise my dream of graduating with first class honours. Must work harder next semester :P
Holidays can be very boring and at the same time exciting as well. The boring part involves rotting at home while harvesting mushrooms to start distributing. Another boring part will be travelling between Singapore and Malaysia. Time wasted but who cares, I have nothing but time now. Looking more at the exciting part, I have Pharmacy Camp 2007 and NUS Rag and Flag 2007 to look forward to.
Received my results just a few days ago, quite satisfied with it. Hopefully I can pull up my CAP further for the remaining 6 semesters of Pharmacy to realise my dream of graduating with first class honours. Must work harder next semester :P
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I'm still alive!
Aiks, I have not been updating the blog since exam started. So I'm going to update it today! Talking about exams, after several gruesome and torturing papers, I've finally proud to say I'm still standing tall and didn't commit suicide. :P It's holidays!
Went out with Kai Lun and O-wern to Holland Village for dinner yesterday to celebrate the end of exams and came to realise something: Holland Village Food Court's food is not compatible with me physiologically. Had a bad morning of diarrhea and vomiting. I swear I'll not go Holland Village for meals anymore!
Holidays, holidays, holidays, holidays, holidays. Looking forward to Pharmacy Camp and NUS Rag and Flag!
Went out with Kai Lun and O-wern to Holland Village for dinner yesterday to celebrate the end of exams and came to realise something: Holland Village Food Court's food is not compatible with me physiologically. Had a bad morning of diarrhea and vomiting. I swear I'll not go Holland Village for meals anymore!
Holidays, holidays, holidays, holidays, holidays. Looking forward to Pharmacy Camp and NUS Rag and Flag!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Exam! Exam!
Less than a week to go, but somehow everybody still says that I'm super slack la, not studying la, play too much la, yada yada yada. Somehow I feel that I do really study lo, just that I study super fast (opss, is it called reading through?). Started learning some hiragana, still not very good in writing yet, knowing the ugliness of my chinese character to begin with. Haih...
Sometimes it's not really the matter of how much you study or whether you studied at all. It's more like knowing what to study and knowing the lecturers well (both of which I'm lacking in). Argh, mug mug mug! One word to everyone out there having exams or going to take their exams soon: がんばって!
Sometimes it's not really the matter of how much you study or whether you studied at all. It's more like knowing what to study and knowing the lecturers well (both of which I'm lacking in). Argh, mug mug mug! One word to everyone out there having exams or going to take their exams soon: がんばって!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Dynasty Warrior Hyper 4!

This game is quite nice to play especially if you're stressed out or just want to vent your anger. Pitting a romance of the three kingdom's general against thousands of other "soldiers" can be fun. Combos are easy to execute but accuracy wise have to depend on your micromanagement. Imagine slicing away with no opponents in front of you. Sounds stupid huh? Well that's what I always end up when i got the directions wrong. The levels are not so difficult when you don't have owern laughing at you for failing a level due to negligence. On the contrary, the levels seems easier when owern's not around. Haha, peer "pressure" (literally).
Exams are 13 days away, but I still don't feel the motivation to mug. I'm tired, very tired dealing with other people, and futile efforts to stop untrue rumors flying around. Hopefully I can gain momentum along the way. I know nuts about applying marketing concepts, nothing about pharmacy as a profession, absolutely zero knowledge about how one perceives pain, and the worst, understand none of the changing landscape's concept. I'm screwed, totally screwed, inside out, right side left, posteriorly anterior, medially lateral, superiorly inferior. But why am I so slack? God knows. I need help to start studying.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
The beginning of the end
Another week has passed, and I do feel that this week have been a better week compared to the last. At least my cheque has been cleared, meaning I'll be quite financially independent for the rest of the semester at least.
Besides that, getting a not too bad grade for a Singapore Studies module project is another reason to be happy about. At least I can look forward to less mugging towards the finals.
One thing that is bugging me throughout this week is the rumors that's going around my blog (You're a blockhead if you have not realise it by now). I'm going to say one last time: I'M SINGLE AND AVAILABLE AND NOT ATTACHED WHATSOEVER TO ANYONE YET! Any more rumors the rumor mongers will have to bear with my wrath!
Back on a lighter note, I've finally sold my PG RX-178 MK_II, ensuring my wallet is satisfied for the remaining of this semester. I'd also like to take the opportunity to wish everyone an advanced Happy Good Friday!
Besides that, getting a not too bad grade for a Singapore Studies module project is another reason to be happy about. At least I can look forward to less mugging towards the finals.
One thing that is bugging me throughout this week is the rumors that's going around my blog (You're a blockhead if you have not realise it by now). I'm going to say one last time: I'M SINGLE AND AVAILABLE AND NOT ATTACHED WHATSOEVER TO ANYONE YET! Any more rumors the rumor mongers will have to bear with my wrath!
Back on a lighter note, I've finally sold my PG RX-178 MK_II, ensuring my wallet is satisfied for the remaining of this semester. I'd also like to take the opportunity to wish everyone an advanced Happy Good Friday!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Week Report
It has been a hectic week, interview with Ms Lim Siew Woon, an oncology pharmacist from NUH, MKT1003 presentation right after the interview, getting a not so good grade for the presentation, and today's pharmacy sports carnival, although i din really help :P
The interview with Ms Lim is extremely informative and inspiring. Now i know that being an oncology pharmacist is not as easy as any tom dick and harry thinks. One very important point to become an oncology pharmacist, or any other professionals in fact, is passion and the willingness to sacrifice. What type of sacrifice? Mainly time and effort. Time as you're expected to be really generous with your time. If you thinks that you need a five day work week. Do the patients fall ill only during the weekends? The cancer cells have five day work week too? You come to work early, e.g. 5am in the morning? Can you leave early? Like 3.00pm just because you came early? Let me ask you a question. Have you finish doing your work yet? What if your patient goes into ICU at 4.00pm? I think this is the main reason pharmacist in Singapore prefers to go into industry and mostly non-hospital related areas. True, you may earn more money if u go into retail pharmacy, a five day work week when you go into industry, but at the end of the day I think the most important is the job satisfaction. You earn a lot of money so what? If your life is empty, you're just an empty vessel anyway.
Enough of being philosophical, another lesson that I've learned during my presentation is that ALWAYS THINK OUT OF THE BOX! True enough, information can be easily obtained, but the creativity part is always the x factor which decides whether you'll clinch a deal. Time to go for more training in presenting.
Finals is just 3 weeks down the road, hopefully I can start my engine going next week. Over and out.
The interview with Ms Lim is extremely informative and inspiring. Now i know that being an oncology pharmacist is not as easy as any tom dick and harry thinks. One very important point to become an oncology pharmacist, or any other professionals in fact, is passion and the willingness to sacrifice. What type of sacrifice? Mainly time and effort. Time as you're expected to be really generous with your time. If you thinks that you need a five day work week. Do the patients fall ill only during the weekends? The cancer cells have five day work week too? You come to work early, e.g. 5am in the morning? Can you leave early? Like 3.00pm just because you came early? Let me ask you a question. Have you finish doing your work yet? What if your patient goes into ICU at 4.00pm? I think this is the main reason pharmacist in Singapore prefers to go into industry and mostly non-hospital related areas. True, you may earn more money if u go into retail pharmacy, a five day work week when you go into industry, but at the end of the day I think the most important is the job satisfaction. You earn a lot of money so what? If your life is empty, you're just an empty vessel anyway.
Enough of being philosophical, another lesson that I've learned during my presentation is that ALWAYS THINK OUT OF THE BOX! True enough, information can be easily obtained, but the creativity part is always the x factor which decides whether you'll clinch a deal. Time to go for more training in presenting.
Finals is just 3 weeks down the road, hopefully I can start my engine going next week. Over and out.
Monday, March 26, 2007
The colourgenics test - http://www.paulgoldinresearch.com/cg/
You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfilment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realise the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens.
At this time you 'need to be needed' and again you 'need to need'. You have had this feeling for some time now and you are looking for someone who could share a close bond in an atmosphere of shared intimacy. You have the belief that with the right person you could conquer the world.
You are confined and trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way out. Whatever you seem to do to resolve the problem hasn't worked out. Fortunately you are able to gain some aspect of relief from someone close to you.
From every direction there appear to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress. You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your 'thing' in your own way.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.
At this time you 'need to be needed' and again you 'need to need'. You have had this feeling for some time now and you are looking for someone who could share a close bond in an atmosphere of shared intimacy. You have the belief that with the right person you could conquer the world.
You are confined and trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way out. Whatever you seem to do to resolve the problem hasn't worked out. Fortunately you are able to gain some aspect of relief from someone close to you.
From every direction there appear to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress. You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your 'thing' in your own way.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.
To slack, or not to slack?
One project down, one more presentation to go. Hopefully the presentation goes well given the relatively little effort I put into it as compared to the project. On a side note, I just had my last physiology tutorial for the semester (Yay! No more physiology for the rest for the course!). Kind of confused between all the mullerian and wolffian ducts... Blah blah blah... Hopefully the finals give me more common sense questions. I want CAP 5! Easier said than done. Back to the question, should I slack a bit before the finals? I wanted to, but the reality is always cruel, I CAN'T! My teammate just informed me that I need to coordinate an interview with a pharmacist in NUH and we're supposed to make another presentation on thursday... Haih... 人生短短数十年, 为何就不能让我快快乐乐地过完这人生的篇章呢?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Argh projects projects and more projects!!! How the hell am I supposed to think like a geographer after decades of being in science stream??? Luckily my project mates are the do work kind, if not I'll go burn down someone's house sometimes this week.
Looking more at the bright side, I have tutorials which I have no idea how to tackle at all and presentation next wednesday. Hope I don't screw up during the presentation itself (*knock head for not S/Uing the module).
Been discussing very seriously with my friends about which model of digital camera I should buy. After looking at different models, I'm still for the idea of buying Sony cameras, since it looks better than other brands. But the price wise ... Can someone tell me whether I should get a DSC-W55 at S$399 or a DSC-T10 at S$499?
Looking more at the bright side, I have tutorials which I have no idea how to tackle at all and presentation next wednesday. Hope I don't screw up during the presentation itself (*knock head for not S/Uing the module).
Been discussing very seriously with my friends about which model of digital camera I should buy. After looking at different models, I'm still for the idea of buying Sony cameras, since it looks better than other brands. But the price wise ... Can someone tell me whether I should get a DSC-W55 at S$399 or a DSC-T10 at S$499?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
More Gundam Goodness

Moving on to the blog site itself, you'll notice i've changed the tagboard due to excessive spamming of inappropriate comments. Anyway, the main reason is that this new tagboard looks sleeker and smaller, so i doesn't stand out that much as compared to the last one. Besides that, i have inserted a mp3 player in the blog too. Do feedback to me if you get any intermittent break during the playback (although i know most of you will just mute it. LOL). Expect major changes to the blog every now and then.

Alright, time to do biochemistry assignment due 18 hours from now. Pharm peeps, do remember to do! It's 5 % of the whole module, dun play play!
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Machine of the Supreme Commander
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Parturition leading to ... FREEDOM!
Yay I've finally decided to make a blog. If you think this is yet another complaint/boast/rubbish/nagging blog you've got it correctly! Somehow I feel like I have nothing to write but have to write something so I can get my personal blog going! That's all for this one minute work, gotta go play DOTA!!! :P
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