Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Argh projects projects and more projects!!! How the hell am I supposed to think like a geographer after decades of being in science stream??? Luckily my project mates are the do work kind, if not I'll go burn down someone's house sometimes this week.

Looking more at the bright side, I have tutorials which I have no idea how to tackle at all and presentation next wednesday. Hope I don't screw up during the presentation itself (*knock head for not S/Uing the module).

Been discussing very seriously with my friends about which model of digital camera I should buy. After looking at different models, I'm still for the idea of buying Sony cameras, since it looks better than other brands. But the price wise ... Can someone tell me whether I should get a DSC-W55 at S$399 or a DSC-T10 at S$499?

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