Monday, March 26, 2007

To slack, or not to slack?

One project down, one more presentation to go. Hopefully the presentation goes well given the relatively little effort I put into it as compared to the project. On a side note, I just had my last physiology tutorial for the semester (Yay! No more physiology for the rest for the course!). Kind of confused between all the mullerian and wolffian ducts... Blah blah blah... Hopefully the finals give me more common sense questions. I want CAP 5! Easier said than done. Back to the question, should I slack a bit before the finals? I wanted to, but the reality is always cruel, I CAN'T! My teammate just informed me that I need to coordinate an interview with a pharmacist in NUH and we're supposed to make another presentation on thursday... Haih... 人生短短数十年, 为何就不能让我快快乐乐地过完这人生的篇章呢?

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