Thursday, May 14, 2009

First day of Preceptorship

Finally it's the first day of preceptorship! Been looking forward to it since I've started to get bored over the holidays.

The first day is full of SOPs, admin stuffs, and expectations. Rather glad that my preceptor is a super capable oncologist pharmacist :) I was quite stressed initially when I got to know Siew Woon was my preceptor, but well, need to get used to it. If not I'll just faint and die in hospital lol. She's  a very kind preceptor (really!), just that maybe she has a high expectation on her students.

I'm supposed to finish all my appendix 1, 2 and 3 by the 3rd week haha. Good, at least I can hand it in even before the preceptorship finishes. 

We learnt the 6 steps to hand washing, how to wear PPE, a lot of SOPs for oncology pharmacy, as well as how to administer doxorubicin to a patient today :) Gotta research on what causes extravasation, how to prevent it, and its management (hint hint can find from BNF haha).

The next 6 weeks is going to be an enriching and educational one! I'm soooooo looking forward to it man!

Really want to thank God for His opening of doors and the wonderful preceptor. :)

P.S. Hopefully I get the time to write more after we're being slave driven to full speed haha

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